Monday, June 4, 2012

Artists make a visual record of the people, places, and events of their time and place!

Here is a famous painting, which I am sure we all can recognize - Mona Lisa. This famous painting, for some of you who don't know, was done by Mr. Leonardo Da Vinci. This here is a prime example of a work of art done in the era that it was created in, the 1500's. Back then in the 1500's, women didn't have any jewelery (necklaces, rings, and earrings) of any sort. This painting just draws us (the viewer) back into that era, where this is how women dressed. Along with no jewelery, Mona Lisa also had straight hair, another norm that projected that time period. Now-a-days, you will very rarely see women dressed like this. Instead, they will have make-up and jewelery on, with their tans and intricate hair-dos.
This work is identical to that of John Ahearn's "Pat."

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